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- Rusty Ryan
Photos (from Ocean's Eleven)
- Photos (from Ocean's Twelve)
- Quotes
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- Production notes
- Film stills
- Production photos
- Cast promotional images
- Cast & director interviews
- Video clips of the cast & director at the LA premiere

- Film stills
- Production photos
- Cast promotional images
- Cast & director interviews
- Video clips of the cast promoting the film

Welcome to 'Making It Happen: The Detail Man', the only fanlisting listed at TheFanlistings.org for the Ocean's Eleven & Ocean's Twelve character Rusty Ryan. Portrayed wonderfully by Brad Pitt, Rusty is Danny Ocean's confidante and right hand man. He's the detail man, the one responsible for ensuring that their plan runs smoothly and is the person that the eleven (or twelve) turn to for help or advice.

The aim of a fanlisting is to create a list of all the fans of a particular subject; with this site, Rusty Ryan fans. Please look around the fanlisting and if you're a Rusty fan, please consider adding your name to the fan list!

The Rusty Ryan fanlisting was last updated on 02nd January 2025. There are 203 fans listed, with 0 waiting to be added and the newest member is Clancy. The Rusty Ryan fanlisting was created on 27th March 2005 and uses the Enthusiast script.

 Albert Finney  BradFans.net  Danny Ocean  Don Cheadle  George Clooney & Brad Pitt  George Clooney movies fanlisting  Matt Damon  Ocean's Eleven  Ocean's Thirteen  Ocean's Twelve 
Please email me if you have a Rusty Ryan related fanlisting/site and would like to affiliate :)