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Photos (from Ocean's Eleven)
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- Cast & director interviews
- Video clips of the cast & director at the LA premiere

- Film stills
- Production photos
- Cast promotional images
- Cast & director interviews
- Video clips of the cast promoting the film

Interviews with the cast & director of Ocean's Twelve
All of these interviews are off-site links and will open in a new browser.

New York Times
Trying to Combine Art and Box Office in Hollywood (January 18, 2005)

Scotland on Sunday
State of independence: Writer and director Steven Soderbergh struck gold with Sex, Lies and Videotape before nearly disappearing up his own oeuvre. Now he has found mainstream hits like Ocean’s Eleven give him licence to take as many risks as he wants. (January 23, 2005)

Higher Stakes: They're back. Chasing a bigger prize, with a larger cast, Ocean's Twelve are banking on one more pay day. Can they pull it off? Empire catches up with the cream of Clooney's crew... (February 2005)

Total Film
Heist Society: The coolest thieves on the block are leaving Las Vegas. Ocean's Twelve takes Hollywood's newest rat pack around the world - bit did they have fun? God, yes... (February 2005)

Film Review
Steven Soderbergh interview: Even Stevens (February 2005)

Film Review
George Clooney interview (O12 promotion): Give us a Clooney (February 2005)

Film Review
Brad Pitt interview (O12 promotion): The money Pitt (February 2005)

Film Review
Don Cheadle interview (O12 promotion): Don in 60 seconds (February 2005)

Film Review
Andy Garcia interview (O12 promotion): Blood Money (February 2005)

Film Review
Catherine Zeta Jones interview (O12 promotion): Catherine the Great (February 2005)