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- Rusty Ryan
Photos (from Ocean's Eleven)
- Photos (from Ocean's Twelve)
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- Production notes
- Film stills
- Production photos
- Cast promotional images
- Cast & director interviews
- Video clips of the cast & director at the LA premiere

- Film stills
- Production photos
- Cast promotional images
- Cast & director interviews
- Video clips of the cast promoting the film

Ocean's Eleven quotes
Bartender: How's the game going?
Rusty: Longest hour of my life.
Bartender: What?
Rusty: I'm running away with your wife.
Bartender: Great.

Rusty: Did someone call for a doctor?

Tess: We need to get Rusty a girl.
Rusty: There's a women's prison down the road.

Rusty: You scared?
Linus: You suicidal?

Danny: Thirteen million and you drive this piece of shit cross country to pick me up?
Rusty: Blew it all on the suit.

Danny: Why do they always paint hallways that color?
Rusty: They say taupe is very soothing.

Danny: Phil Turenteen...
Rusty: Dead.
Danny: No shit. On the job?
Rusty: Skin cancer.
Danny: D'you send flowers?
Rusty: Dated his wife for a while.

Ocean's Twelve quotes
Linus Caldwell: Hey can I ask you something? You ever notice that...
Rusty Ryan: If you're gonna ask if you can ask me a question, give me time to respond. Unless you're asking rhetorically, in which case the answer is obvious - Yes.
Linus Caldwell: OK, can i ask you...
Rusty Ryan: Yes.
Linus Caldwell: Thanks. You ever notice that Tess looks...
Rusty Ryan: Ooh, don't ever ask that. Ever. Seriously. Not to anyone, especially not to her.
Linus Caldwell: Wait, why not?
Rusty Ryan: Look, it's not in my nature to be mysterious. But I can't talk about it and I can't talk about why.
[walks off]
Linus Caldwell: Oooooooooo.

Virgil Malloy: Doesn't this guy believe in fresh air?
Rusty Ryan: He opens the second floor window every now and then.
Virgil Malloy: What does that mean?
Rusty Ryan: It means he opens the second floor window every now and then.

Terry Benedict: The last time we talked, you hung up on me.
Rusty Ryan: You used nasty words.

Courtesy of the IMDB.com